Long Island Linux User Group corner...

LILUG corner is where I store assorted LILUG related cruft...

Constitution sugestions <= This was the initial thread that prompted our constitutional efforts. Suggestions are appreciated and often used!

LILUG constitution <= I recently threw together an adaptaion of FLAT's contitution. Just some basic rules in case the path is not clear.

My Samba talk <= This is aimed at a less experianced crowd. If you find it to simple you might like the links at the bottom. Good info.

Adopt a speaker <= Feeling brave today? Don't hesitate to sign up the speaker that interests you the most. The man/woman you admire most not on the list? email me and we put you up as LILUGs official contact with him/her.

LILUG Membership statistics <= Just some numbers about who attends LILUG meetings and how fast we are growing. (grin)

Netfilter talk <= In the summer of 2001 I gave a talk on how to use the 2.4 Linux kernel series firewall code, netfilter.

BASH Contest <= 4/02 LILUG held a BASH contest. The task was to create a CPU useage logging script.

Linux Printing Talk <= 9/04 I gave a talk on the underling pieces of printing in Linux. You'll need Dia for the diagrams.

See you at the next meeting!

Click here to visit LILUG's site.


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